Complete Manicure video shot at Cocoon Salon done by our Manicurist. You will find complete steps of manicure along with simple nail colouring. This is how to do manicure and these steps are mostly followed in India. This is basic manicure procedure.
Following are the steps involved in the manicure shot in this video:
Step 1: Before even getting the client to your manicure chair, make sure that you fill the manicure tub with warm water after putting manicure shampoo. Which will get bubbles which gives nice feeling to the client.
Step 2: After the client sits, put one towel on her as shown in the video.
Step 3: Nail cutting and Nail filing & shaping
Step: 4: Apply cuticle cream
Step: 5: Dip the hands in the water to soak for few minutes.
Step: 6: Push the dead skin off the nail with the cuticle pusher.
Step: 7: Use cuticle remover to remove the dead skin around nails. Do it cautiously without hurting the skin.
Step 8: Put some Manicure shampoo on manicure brush and clean the hands gently.
Step 9: Use pumice stone remove dead skin
Step: 10: Apply scrub to the hands for proper cleaning and dip in the water. Clean after few min.
Step 10: Use the nail buffer to polish the nails and called nail buffing. Use the 4 sides of the buffer gently to get the desired polish. (Not shown in the video as client did not want)
Step 12: Apply massage cream to the hands and do gentle massage which gives complete relaxation and also hydration for the hands. This ends the basic manicre procedure.
Step 13: You may apply nail colour if the client desires. Choose the colour and apply. Use acetone if necessary to remove nail colour stains.
Step 15: Apply nail base coat / top coat as it protects the nails from nail polish and colours. You may apply before and after the nail colour.
This ends the manicure procedure. The basic manicure should take minimum 20 minutes to max 35 minutes.
Need to take extra care of diabetics when using cuticle removers, cuticle pushers etc as it may get them new wounds which are not good for them.
Hope this manicure tutorial helps those who want to learn basic manicure steps and how to to do at the salon.
This kind of best manicure will give you complete relaxation and beautiful and healthy hands.
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In today’s video, I’m going to explain how ingrown toenails become a vicious cycle, how not to cut or peel your toenails, show you how to comfortably clean around the ingrown area show you an easy way to get your toenails to grow without discomfort so stay tuned!
Hello everyone, I am so glad you tuned in today to watch this salon pedicure where I am going to explain how cutting your toenails too low down the nail groove and peeling away the side of your toenail too far toward the center only makes the situation snowball. I know you think it gives you relief but this is only temporary it is really more like taking two steps back and one step forward and will continue to get worse until you might not have any options other than going to have it removed especially if it gets infected.
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This client has a little trouble reaching her nails to clip them so she has been peeling them to remove them. You might be able to tell from the shape of the nail but I am doing my best to shape then as symmetrical as possible. after I trim the free edge with my stainless steel toenail nippers I use my stainless file to smooth the free edge and while I am working the cuticle remover I applied at the beginning is doing its job to dissolve the excess skin so I can remove it easily with my angled cuticle pusher.
Who knows why it is important to remove the excess dry skin that is down in the nail groove? I want you to tell me in the comments if when you clean your nails you only focus on the free edge or do you clean along the sides and the back of the nail as well?
I think this picture is worth a thousand words to answer my last question about why it is important to remove the excess skin down in the sidewalls. You have to give the nail the room it needs so it doesn’t run into all that buildup. When the nail starts to run into a road block your body starts to feet pressure and you get annoyed because it is uncomfortable! And depending on what season of the year it is or where you live, the nail pressing into the skin on the corner of a nail can feel like a razor blade. And for quick relief you might just take the corner of the nail and peel it out of that area.
But when you do this the skin encroaches inward invading the nail groove creating an even bigger road block for your toenail to run into.
There are a lot of people that get excited to see me because they are dealing with an issue that I have shown potential to help them with but I get so excited looking forward to their return visit so I can see the progress they have made. and this toe I am really excited about seeing!
Video Rating: / 5

Here you go!!! Manicure video!! Hope this video helps you understand what is manicure and how to do it!! Pls comment or suggest!! Thank you all🙏
V nice work
Very relaxing, loved it. Greets from turkey 💕
Cost of manicure and pedicure?
Im sure after attending 1 client her backbone will be complaining but i learnt alot well experienced but i dont like the stone part mmu.
Very nyc
Wooow amazing ma ny bht sari video dyki mj ye video bht pesand ai I really really like this
Is there a branch in Jaipur?
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Very nice
Hey could you name the music cause it's so contemporary
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Wonderful example
Hello. During the video you talked about having the woman use a mycosis solution to help keep the nail soft & to hydrate it. I look in your online store for a product that would do that but I could not find one. Can I ask you to recommend one or direct me to one in your online store? I believe this is exactly what my mother needs to allow the nail to start flattening out. THANK YOU so very much your information is indispensable!!!
I just came across your videos. I have been learning so much!! I used to do pedicures on Seniors and could have done a lot better had I found you sooner!
Lori, do you have a suggestion for peeling finger nails and constant excess skin on finger nails. Every time I come out of the shower or washing dishes they are horrible. Thanks!
Birthday Girl here looking for the nail machine to be on sale. If you see so, please let me know!
Lori, I watch your vids twice. The first one during the day & the second time, when I go to sleep, at bedtime, for your amazing relaxing voice & that one my husband has to watch. He is learning too much, because now he is trying to give me instructions.
LOL 😂 Keep in touch!
I think I got this problem of klipping the toenails to short. With what should I hydrated my nails?
I think my toenails are ruined from getting bad pedicures . How can I save them ? 😔
Pedicures are my favorite thing to do. I just got state licensed and hoping to find a job soon.
I love watching your videos before going to bed. I think your voice along with the video puts me to sleep. Thnx
I can’t wait to see the progress!