HELLO U GUYS !!! HAPPY FRIDAY ~ SOMETIME AGO I LOST A FOLDER WITH SEVERAL NAIL ART TUTORIALS. I THOUGHT I HAD ACCIDENTALLY DELETED THE FOLDER. I WAS SO HAPPY TO FIND IT THIS WEEK. THIS FRIDAY’S DESIGN WAS ONE OF THE ONES IN THIS FOLDER, & THERE IS ALSO 2 NAIL DESIGNS FOR SHORTER NAILS, & A COUPLE MORE. THE QUALITY IN THESE VIDEO’S IS DIFFERENT FROM THE CAMERA I USE NOW, AT THE TIME I FILMED THESE TUTORIALS I WAS USING THE DXG CAMERA. BUT I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE THE DESIGN ENOUGH TO TRY IT OUT. HAVE AN AWESOME LONG WEEKEND, BE SAFE, BYE*** Music was provided by my Uncle’s Freestyle Guitar playing, Thank You Uncle Mario…Disclaimer: I have no affiliation to any of the company brands I mention in this video. I have not received any of the products used in this video for free. I will get no monitary compensation for mentioning any of the products used in this video.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

OMG i have the egzact same nail polish
this is the first time i have watched your video’s . your nails are beautiful !!!!!!!!!!! i love the desings you do ! i’ll be watching for more video’s.
I 3 3how you do your nails, i watch all your videos 🙂
i love this.. im gna try this
do you have any tip on how i can make my nail beds bigger? the pink part is my problem,so i always end up using fake nails,which i dont wanna do all the time. as for the white part,its good,but even if i grow them long my nails still lokk wierd without polish,but i cant waer polish all the time,but i still want my natural nails to look good on its own…any tips?
Thank you, Its all about the topcoat, I use a high shine topcoat, there’s several out that work great.
I have a Question how many times do you put on top coat right after you finish your design to make the glitter shine when i do it my glitter never shines!!!! by the way i love this design!!!!!!! 🙂
I’ve been using your videos as inspiration for my own designs – I’d like to thank you very very very much for taking the time to make a step by step tutorial so simple – it’s really helped to boost my business – being able to offer nail services in addition to the hair services without contracting out has been a huge help! i look forward to each and every new design – a customer requested a RIVER design – would you be able to do something like that? this video is similar, but i’m out of ideas-TY
Love it
Pls go to my channel tayswift246! Thanks!
so beautiful… ..i want to have this design on my nailss..:)
Love it, very nice, and I love your voice also… 🙂 Hablas Español verdad??
she love glitters and a lot of kolers .
Blue! My fav color! Lol. So pretty 🙂
Hello just wanted to see if you can do a nail design for small nails because my nails are small please love everything… 😀 love your nails
these are so pretty,,,,,,
love ittttttt
I love all your nail designs :)
This is amazing!
“Oh NO I ain’t done” HIGHLIGHT of the video I promise you 😉