Nail Art Designs Compilation | 20 Nails Art 💅 https://youtu.be/xPZgHuJeutc
🔴 Products used in this video (without brand names):
nail polish/gel, glossy/matte top coat, skin defender, spider gel, silicone stamper, glitter gel, gel paint, stripping tape, rhinestone glue, rhinestones, caviar beads, nail sequins and ( UV led lamp, tweezers, dotting tools, brushes, rhinestone picker pen)…
💅 New Nail Art 2020 Best Nails: https://youtu.be/wEYH-H-sx88
💅 5 Minute Crafts Nail Hacks : https://youtu.be/ZJSMB-1f3E8
💅 2020 Easy Nails Art Tutorial: https://youtu.be/6yg_6Tgp45M
💅 Top Nail Art Ideas 2020: https://youtu.be/p_kZmtTohGk
#nailart2020 #nailart #nails #naildesign #nailartdesigns #20nails
“Nail Art” Playlist: http://bit.ly/NailsVideos diseños de uñas, uñas decoradas 2020, unhas decoradas 2020, unhas, маникюр, дизайн ногтей, нейл-арт, manicure, seni kuku, trang trí móng tay, नाखून सजाने की कला, 네일아트, ネイルアート,美甲設計,الأظافر 2020, ongles, nagel kunst, oje tırnak süsleme, νυχια,unghie…
Video Rating: / 5

Compilation of Nail Art Ideas 2019…💅 Please let me know which one of design is your favorite…
как можна наносить так далекот лак от кутикулы!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you make it look so easy! <3
I don't like the nails I love the nails!!! 😉
Love your art
im sittin here in 2020, watchin this like it was made yesterday, because…. THESE DESIGNS ROCK!
Where do you get the nail polish that peals off
Wish I had thoes😔…..there so pretty🖤😘 (who wants them done my tia could do them???)
WOW 🤩 I love the way you make the nails
О Боги…такие толстые линии в рисунках…и не аккуратно ещё… особенно, когда лак тёмный…ногти до конца не закрашены… эффект отросших ногтей.
20 nails
Uau gays
Gente eu gostei muuuuuiiito ficou ótimo
Your the best nail artist ever well not ever but MORE THAN EVER
Not to be rude but the first finger was kind of wrinkly
expressly the one that I am watching wright now
I love the 20 nail polish and watching the videos when I am bored and doing nothing besides laying down or sitting down