Hello you Guys ! Happy Friday !!!!! Today we will be working on one of my favorite nail art designs, its simple & very pretty. I hope you like it. Here is some info on the brush size & the acrylic paints I use. I use non toxic, water based acrylic paint. ( I usually find it at the kids paint section) I purchase mines from Barns & Nobles, Brand is Faber Castel. The difference between nail polish & acrylic paints is that nail polish is made for nails, acrylic paint is not. I only use acrylic paint for doing designs on my nails & never use it over my entire nail. Make sure to always use a basecoat, & topcoat when using acrylic paints. Clean up is alot faster, & if you make a mistake you can just remove the mistake with water. If you are using nail polish, you have to remove mistakes with polish remover. You will find acrylic paint at your local craft store. I purchased my brush set from ebay, you will find nail brush sets there for really good prices. I use another detailing brush that I purchased from Michael’s the craft store, Its in the brush section for painting, Its by LOEW-CORELL, size 18/0, cost .79. Have a super fun Weekend, bye. Royalty Free Music Provided by www.jasonshaw@audionautix.com Track Tittle “Bird in Hand” You can find this track at www.audionautix.com Disclaimer: I have no affiliation to any of the company brands I mention in this video. I will get no monitary compensation for mentioning any of the products used in this video.
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all i can say is.. wow
love all the desings and colors that you use thanks for sharing
You are an awesome nail artist! I love your design. 🙂
love 4nails can u do the flowers with a nail art polish yes o no thx 🙂
I really love the design and the flowers there simple but beautiful
I really
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How do you do that
I allowed about 2 minutes to go by.
About how long did you let your nails dry before doing each step?
Love it!!!
This is lovely, I have never done this before but when people say use a base coat before the acrylic paints is that your nail varnish base like you have done? xx
Going to watch the rest of your videos now lol x
and ur really talented =D