Valentine’s Day Heart Nail Art Tutorial! I used tape for the hearts and added a gradient inside, but any nail polish will work also. Hope you like this design and thanks for watching! Let me know what other nail art tutorials you would like to see a video for. Instagram: simplenailartdesigns www.instagram.com Products: -Sinful Colors Easy Going -Tape -Scissors -Makeup Sponge -Red, pink and white acrylic paint or nail polish (I used True Red, Peony Pink, and Snow White made by Americana) -Butter London Hardwear Top Coat Music by joshwoodward.com All products used were bought by me.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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@emily ko maybe michelle coppied her :/
michelle phan copy cat!
i am actually in love with your nails hunny bunny
/watch?v=oiBBGwZzklo RANDOM SHIT!
Why should it be removed while wet? Wouldn’t that mess it up?
This is SO creative!! LOVE IT! <3 🙂
Ummm…idk how anyone did this because when I tried the tape just got stuck together. So I couldn’t make the heart. Can someone explain to me how I can make it look like that without my problem?
I tried this but the tape kept getting stuck together and then it ripped when i tried to unstick it 🙁 I’m a fail lollolololol
very nice!
so easy.. i never thought about it…
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