What can I say…there are no words!
I’m sure you all have seen a number of these videos, but have you seen someone who is a licensed nail tech go to the worst reviewed nail salon yet? Well here we are! Keep watching to see me discuss all that goes wrong while getting a pedicure. Not only was I shocked but I think you will be too. I honestly don’t think most clients realize how unsanitary these kinds of nail salons are, and I’m here to show you just how bad it actually is! Just remember that sometimes the quality is worth the price you pay at a nail salon. Your health literally can depend on it, and that’s no joke people! Take this stuff seriously and learn what is safe.
If you want to watch me get a manicure, stay tuned for my next video! It’s another shocking experience.
Also, comment below what your nail salon experience is like. Do you think this is normal? Do you pay attention to fine details while getting serviced? Where are your nail salons located? I wanna know, tell me everything and lets chat about it!
In case you missed my last video, click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tz95Ii9JIfg&t=123s
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Video Rating: / 5
This video is about How To Heal Ingrown Toenail at home Salon Pedicure Second Visit Transformation. In today’s video, we see the progression of an ingrown toenail from a previous visit. The toenail has changed position and is not pinching the tip of her toe. I’m going to show you how to remove the buildup of skin around the corners around the big toe that is causing it to hurt using my pedicure tools and products. Dealing with an ingrown toenail at home isn’t always easy. But if you catch the problem in the beginning before it turns into an infection you will have the best chance of resolving the problem. If you have developed redness around the nail you should pay attention to the ingrown toenail at home right away. You should also consult with your doctor to make sure your conservative efforts are going to be the best path for you.
👣First Pedicure Visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJsbxhAmoFU&feature=youtu.be
I’m Lori Halloway known as the meticulous manicurist on youtube and an expert in the field of nail technology specializing in pedicures.
I share my 25+ years knowledge and spread awareness about the importance of foot and nail care.
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Did you know most of the tools I use in my videos are my meticulous manicurist brand? The most sold item on my online store is my pedicure kit but all the tools are also available individually.
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Thanks for watching my video on How To Heal Sore Ingrown Toenail Salon Pedicure Second Visit Transformation
Video Rating: / 5

This is why I do my own nails and my pedicure!
Omg so many pedicurists have washed their tools off in my dirty foot water before 🤢
She talks to much she needs to cut down on the talking
One nail salon i visited squeezed an orange on my toes , once squeezed sat the peels on my toes. i should go back and record they have one star ..
Hi Jenia can you make a video of what school you went to for your nail tech License
Please and thank you 🙏🏼
Don't blame the tech for having crooked toes boo boo child.
you're dirty too and nobody says anything
I love you're car Jenia. I have the exact same one I think I can just see the inside which is the same color in mine.
Thank you.
Umm, you keep saying your toenail was cut crooked but…your toe is crooked so?
“Human juices”
I went to a nail salon once for Homecoming and they were like college students and it usually takes 30-40 min to do my feet and hands but they took almost 4 hours just do to 1 color on my feet and hands. And they kept messing up and redoing it over and over and it was all gross and bad, like worse than this.
Hell im never going back to that place.
⭐ Online Store http://bit.ly/pedicuresupplies
⭐ Pedicure Contest Entry http://bit.ly/500KPedicureContest
⭐ My Nail Channel http://bit.ly/nailacademy
Dang I know those toes hurt!! I know they are feeling better now.
Que pereza esa señora con esas uñas, no hace un buen trabajo
Getting slightly obsessed with these pedicures videos 😂
Is there gonna be another update on this client or is she done?
I am SO excited for her to come back! ❤️
Real question. Why don't you wear gloves?
Qui aflição de ver um trabalho mal feito ,a moça que diz se pedicure,mexe com medo de limpa desencrava direito,se eu fosse ela voltava de novo perdia para limpa de novo se tá pagando pelo um trabalho de qualquer jeito,ainda por cima se luvas nojo 🤢🤮
I love watching these and I wish I could afford your kit
Poll: which is sparklier? Lori's ring, or her nails? 😍💅🏻💍
The difference is astounding!
It was funny when you mentioned using oragel on your toes for pain because that’s a trick ballet dancers use when they are having lots of pain in their pointe shoes. I remember using it several times on particularly bad days especially after either forgetting to trim my toenails or cutting them too short. Pointe itself doesn’t hurt much unless the shoes don’t fit right or as you reach a certain level you’re just dancing so much it starts to take a toll on your feet, and can’t forget blisters haha. I love your channel though!
what is the las liquid that she put on her?
Do you ever get frustrated that some customers who have issues don't soak their feet daily? I know some people hate taking baths because they hate cleaning out their bathtubs but showers need to be cleaned daily too. Taking a bath and soaking daily just relieves so many feet issues.
Hi Lori! Amazing pedi as usual, and gosh, your nails look so beautiful! I would love to see a tutorial on how you do such perfect glitter nail polish.
Thank you for sharing your awesome work with us, have a great week! 💖💖💖💖💖
I have been watching you for quite some time. I find it very difficult to work on my own feet. I'm having grip issues among other things. Wishing you all the best