You Aren’t Dressed Until Your Nails Are Done
Image by Gidge Uriza
Pedicure: [ PXL ] Pedicure Red #1
Manicure: * RezIpsa Loc * ~ Ruby Nails (glove layer)
Lingerie: ! Lyla ! – White and pink rose (Life free or 1L or MP)
Lashes: Amacci – Eyelash Tattoo 4
Hair: .ploom. Nue (small) – Ploomage Tipped
Hair Bob:.ploom. Nue Hair Flower
Nail Poses: STaTUS Polish Me Nail Polish Just Wear
STaTUS Polish Me Nail Polish Lid Just Wear
Shape: Gidge ~Savoir Faire Shapes~
Skin: [Pink Fuel] Alyx – Pony (ltbrow) – With Love Hunt
Eyes: Poetic Colors -classic – cosmic dawn (m) bright
Nail Polish Caddy: Pilot – With Love Hunt
Tree: Trompe Loeil – Funky Christmas Tree
Question by klbblk: pamper yourself?
Hey can anyone give me some tips/ideas to pamper myself today? im going out tommorrow and want to feel great! thanks!
Best answers:
Answer by miauwme
My fave must be, going to a spa / salon for full pampered day, have other people do it, messages, scrub, new hairdo, manicure pedicure. And have your fave ice cream / cheese cake on your way home.
Answer by agent flora
Do yourself a home mini spa, have a long relaxing bath with bubbles and candles, use a salt scrub to exfoliate, you can get the sanctuary mini products at boots not too expensive and a nice moisturiser when you get out. xx
Answer by kelly e
Give yourself a facial –
Take a clean wet wash cloth and heat in Micro and lay down.
When it gets luke warm repeat.
Then wash your face with a pure/natural soap –
and apply a fresh mask – and put your feet up!
If you can’t splurge for a pedicure fill a basin full of hot soapy water and on the bottom lay those clear rocks or marbles found at bed bath beyond – and lay your feet in there.
The rocks/marbles act on the pressure points.
Dry feet off apply a nice cream [without mineral oil as it hardens skin] and paint your toes. While they dry read US
or InStyle and enjoy.
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have a mini-do-it-yourself spa…..Buy a hair spa cream.
And cook water(hot water..) then place it on a big container where u can fit ur foot inside. Then …but some aroma oil or any relaxing perfume oils(will do.) .
U can also have a facial..
Get a egg…nOw only get the white “NOT” the yolk. Then place and massage it in ur face. Leave it overnight. These will get rid of the yUCKY oils in ur face and will also get rid of those unwanted pimples,blackheads,and whiteheads.
-These really works. Its the #1 NATURAL SKIN CARE in the AUSTRALIA;PHILIPPINES; CANADA…or should i say
…around the world!
believe it works. Celebrities tried this.Among them was
-Paris Hilton(America)
-Camille Prats(Philippines)
-Sophia Bush
-Amanda Bynes
-Tobey Mcquire
-Daniel Radcliff
and more!
i tried this. Its so effective..OH WAITT! it also gets rid of those granny-eye-bagggs!
good luCK!
Invite me and i’ll give u advice