Easy clean up pedicure at home with Ped Egg ( Ped Shaper )12 piece Toe Nail Grooming Kit – 1- Flat Disc Trimmer 2- Bullet Cone 3- Unique Ball Tip Cone 4- Professional Foot Cone 5- Satin Bristle Brush 6- Rotary Emery Board 7- Luxurious Buffing Barrel 8- Precision Pointed Cone 9- Superior Emery Barrel 10- Blue Stone Disc Nail Shine Ped Shaper Grooming Avon Nail Experts advanced Mira-cuticle Bepanthen Sally Hansen Hard as Wraps Nail Gel Hardener Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure- Mousseline Check out my foot care on www.espelhonabolsa.com www.carlagrazi.com facebook.com/espelhonabolsa Thank you for watching =)* Subscribe, comment and like please

oi carla…mande noticias bjsss
cool… How come you have perfect feet?