Discrover how to take care of your toenails with simple tips and try to recreate this summer inspired cute nail art design. ♥ If you like pedicure – toe nail art design, feel free to click Like button! 🙂 ♥ Comment, share if you like this Pedicure tips & toe nail art for perfect toenails tutorial ! ♥ Subscribe to my channel to watch more nail art tutorials www.youtube.com ♥ Click here to see more pedicure & toe nail art designs tutorials www.youtube.com ♥ APP for iphone/ipad/itouch 100% for free ! itunes.apple.com ♥ APP for Android 100% for free ! play.google.com Join me on my Facebook : www.facebook.com More nail art pictures on my blog : www.nail-art.fr All the products available on www.lmcosmetic.com Music freemusicarchive.org Artist: Bitbasic Track: Please mind the dubstep Album: Pixel Mixel Distribution Wizdeo.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

wow u did it so beautifuly
Thank u for the tut
i love all her tutorils
can you do more tutorial on feet and designs. nice job
You do like you know everything about nails but you said a lot of things that worre wrong
Wow I don’t like feet but yours are actually well taken care of.
Hey even finger nails r cute!!!!!
you have nice feet
sooooo cute….
Why don,t women realize they should have beautiful toes before leaving the house in sandals?This is how womans toes are supposed to look.
nossa adorei
Your apple app has a problem. Since the latest update (IOS6) the videos don’t open. Please help!
Love ur videos!now I just gotta try one on myself.ty & does it matter what bottom & top coat you use with the nail Polish?thnx a bunch!subscribed last night.(^_−)☆
Wow I just subscribed to your channel and I love your videos feel in love hope to see more of ur work very very nice nailart work.
You need to do more pedicure tutorials
Where do you get your nail polish and other stuff there sooooo pretty IOVE THEM
Good job !!!
Holy crap!! Where did u get get that toe ring??? It’s SOOOOO pretty!!!
Wow.. that turned out so pretty! Nice work!
I’m curious… How much do you spend a month on nail products? It seems as thought you have A LOT!!! You do such an incredible job on every tutorial! You are very very talented! It all looks so easy for you! And to top it off, you have perfect nails to work with! I am french, but my nails aren’t quite as nice as yours! …actually not even close! lol. Absolutely stunning nail art! Thanks for the tutorials!
omg, i wish you live in california so i could pay you to do my pedicure :D. you are awesome 😉