Question by David: Do you really have to wear a mask to do nails?
what about pedicures?
Best answers:
Answer by Jenny
Nope, but breathing in too much of those fumes can be really bad for your health so it’s recommended.
Answer by Andi
i ‘ m not a professional nail artist ( what the hell , i’m not even old enough to work at the mall ) but i do paint my nails a lot and i don ‘ t wear a mask . my mom takes my nail polish away from time to time , makes me erase all my nails and cuts them all short and clean because like someone said , fumes are bad for you . did you know you can get high off of nail polish and highlighters and smelly markers and expo markers . haha my teacher two years ago would get SO pissed when someone was smelling smelly markers . anyways , whenever i paint my nails too much or long , my head hurts and i get tired a lot and i get dizzy . my moms a nurse so she said that’s side effects of nail polish . she says you can get cancer from it . well enjooy 🙂
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