The Art of Arrival
Image by Brett L.
Doing my best to emulate the creeptastic ANA campaign.
Question by pinkandloopy: Does anybody know about the fish that supposedly eat hard skin?
No-I didn’t make this up!! Read about a pedicure treatment (also used to treat psoriasis) in which small fish are used who eat hard skin! Trying to find a way to overcome my foot phobia and get a really good pedicure at the same time and this could be a real ‘in at the deep end’ way to go about it. I live in London and would be grateful if anybody could tell me where I can find this treatment??
……didn’t see it on Ugly Betty,but nice to know I didn’t imagine the whole thing!
Best answers:
Answer by Purple.Diamond
Have you tried Googling it?
You have a foot phobia?
Other peoples feet I presume?
Answer by helen34
i dont know where you can find this but i was watching an episode of ugly betty and that’s what she done to get rid of her hard skin on her feet they are only tiny little fish
Answer by shar
i have heard of this. people with psoriasis sat in a tank with fish in and the fish nibbled away at the patches of dry skin. it was somewhere abroad. cyprus i think
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did you see this on ugly betty?
Yes you can have it done in spas in Cyprus and Turkey.
The fish is called a Garra Rufa and its from the carp family of fish.
I can’t find anywhere on the net who does it in this country I’m afraid.