Question by James: Girls, Make over for boy :)?
I want to look/act like a girl
I would love for a girl to teach me how to do make up, nails etc… also any pretty clothes that you reccommend.
What would you want me to do to make me feminine and girlie looking?
Could you tell me about Fashion, nails and Hair? 🙂
I don’t know much about makeup and clothes, and i would like for a girl to help me
It would be fun if your into makeovers or something like that 🙂
*Can’t go on youtube 🙁 and i don’t really need much on make up, because i’ve had lots of people answer that for me 😉
Pretty much need to know about fashion, nails and hair (if i had extensions or wig) Also i’d love to go to a spa or salon and get everything done (maniucre,pedicure, hair,tanning make up) but would it be weird? Or would it be a good idea just like once every few months?
Email me if there is not enough space below or if you want to go into more depth
email: jamesfunder5@gmail.com
Best answers:
Answer by Adrita
are you gay?
Answer by Litaxxoo
Well it depends on the style your looking for, for clothes that is id just go to websites and see whats in. I have a very alternative style so i couldn’t really help you with the newer fashions just research it.Both extensions and wigs ive heard are bad for your hair but if you wore them every once in a while i don’t see the bother.and for the salon thing its ok to get your pedicures and manicures but tanning and hair i’d wait every few months.
Answer by stevie x-x-x
It really depends what look your going for but I wouldn’t go for fish nets and a tight mini shirt. A mate of mine did that once, NOT PRETTY. I would go for a natural look skin tone colours, brown, red. It would make you look like you have a tan but if you wanted a flash of colour you could go for a print scarf or a leopard skin purse.
Nails, french manicures look good and very natural and classy, blacks more fashionable but pinks more girly and red is more glamorous.
Hair, if you had a wig that looked natural sure, if not and you can tell that it’s a fake then you shouldn’t wear it because it would look trashy. However, if you decide to go for a wig go for the natural colour of your hair because of your eyebrows or an obviously dyed one.
It’s fine for a guy to go to a spa, you would also pick up some tips but I would suggest that you don’t go to a tacky salon because i know from experience that the workers there can be rude.
I hope that this helps!! xxx
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