Question by me.oxoxox: great tips for fabulous looking nails yourself?
im looking for different ways to get fantastic nails myself at home, things that are a little different. ive tried newspaper nails but i wasnt sure about what to do.
Best answers:
Answer by Kaylaa.
Buy Art Pens from your local Wal-Mart or CVS.
Answer by Isabella Moody
well you can always find nail pens. they are the size of a pen and you use it to add designs and it comes out like a fine felt tip pen. or you could always buy fake ones (i get the cheap ones like Sally Hansen) you can get them press on or glue on. i prefer glue on. Or you could just grow your nails out long and learn to give your self really good manicures and pedicures with regular nail polish! hopes this works for you!
Answer by Natasha
get those nail pens and do a pattern liike polkadots on one finger, then strips on the next and repeat in the pattern. its cute and easy to do
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