Question by mouthord: how to make my nails grow longer faster?
Best answers:
Answer by amh3399
Don’t bite your nails always works for me! ok so just try not to bite them!
Answer by beccapie(:
very very good:
[btw it says you have to wear it underneath stuff, you dont you can just wear it on its own 🙂 ]
hope i helped. x
Answer by Chrissy
Step 1
Increase blood flow to your fingers. Blood flow increases the fingers’ overall heath and ability to allow your nails to grow. You can increase the blood flow by doing daily activities which will push the blood into your fingers. Things such as typing, playing the piano or lots of filing will pump the blood in and make your nails happy and healthy.
Step 2
Increase the protein in your diet. Have a protein shake or eat more lean meat. Diets low in protein cause the nails to weaken and break, which will ultimately slow their growth process. Or take a vitamin D supplement daily, as this will provide the added protein needed. The best food to choose? Milk. A glass of milk daily will strengthen your nails as well as promote growth.
Step 3
Stay in a warm climate. Nails grow faster in warm climates than cold weather areas, because cold weather decreases blood stimulation and blood pressure. Nails grow fastest in summer, so take advantage of the summer months. To mimic warm weather try wearing gloves and keeping your hands warm at all times. This will increase the blood flow and stimulate growth.
Step 4
Use a nail toughener or nutrient-filled polish. There are tons of different polishes out there. Sally Hansen makes a great nail toughening product that has nutritional supplements added in. Apply a layer of polish weekly. For expedient growth, apply a layer nightly. The nutrients will promote nail growth.
Step 5
Give yourself regular manicures and pedicures, or go to a professional for regular treatments. Proper maintenance is always good for the nails and will help keep them healthy. Be sure to only file in one direction, so the nail tip isn’t weakened and prone to cracking. Good luck!
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prenatal vitamins. you can get them at gnc. they’re meant for pregnant women, so just be careful who you show them to.