Question by jaime: I am having a pedicure tomorrow and would very much like to sit in silence and relax throughout..Is this rude?
I am going to the spa for the day, and just want to completly relax, not talk to the therapist.. But I will feel really rude and like a ‘diva’ if I ignore them as they scrub my feet…help???
Best answers:
Answer by Unr3fynd
If you close your eyes they won’t talk to you and realize that you’re just wanting to relax. I’ve done it many a time. You shouldn’t feel like you’re being rude 🙂
Answer by Laney
No this is not rude at all
Im sure they will be glad of the silence also!
I worked as a hairstylist for years and i lived with a beauty therapist who used to tell me to lie back close my eyes and relax while she was doing treatments on me! So lie back close ur eyes and relax!
Enjoy 🙂
Answer by Karen
Well your the one paying for this, you should be allowed to just relax. The people shouldn’t be talking if you want to relax, just bring someone along, and say, “I’m going to finally relax, and not hear any talking while i’m getting it done.” But make sure they hear so then you can actually relax!
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Normally, they don’t talk to you as much as spas, that only happens to me at small, salon type places. Let the person at the front desk know, and she will tell the therapist. Also, it is rude to completely ignore her, but if you smile, nod every once in a while, and look relaxed she will be fine.
Hope this helps!
Well, i sit in silence when i am having my hair cut. You are paying to have the treatments done so dont feel bad about not being best friends with the therapist.
it won’t be rude at all.
Your supposed to relax at a spa.
and as far as i know, the workers there
are not supposed to talk to you
just for your relaxing purposes (:
As a longtime member of this profession, I can tell you that it is extremely rude. Customers talking to me is the only thing that keeps me from driving the cuticle clippers into my heart and ending my lonely existence.
It is kinda rude to completely ignore her. You should talk to her., But not much talk.