Question by BeatingHeartsBaby.: I have three days to get myself looking absoloutly gorgeous.. Help?
So this guy I like has gone on holiday and will be back on Monday… Over the weekend I am determined to go through a complete beauty detox in order to be looking refreshed and gorgeous by the time I see him! Anything anyone would reccomend e.g. facemasks etc so I can build up a 3 day beauty regime which does not involve me rushing to Boots tomorow morning? Please & thank you! x
Best answers:
Answer by resignedtolife
Oh, dream on.
Answer by Hello You!
He honestly won’t notice the difference. Just make sure you’re clean and tidy and that will be enough – honestly lads just do not notice the tiny little details we put in to something.
Answer by Lulabelle
Masterbate before you see him and your skin will look great 🙂
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you honestly don’t have anything better to do? it must be nice to only be worried about your looks the entire weekend.
he probably won’t be interested in you anyway b/c you are completely vain.
why would you need a facemask my dear?
just buy new perfumes and nice make up, make sure you look DAMM pretty and make sure you have a surprise waiting for him!
hope this helps!
Well i would recommend drinking loads of good old water-your skin will be glowing, you’ll look and feel great.
Pick out your most flattering outfit- if you look good you’ll feel good and have confidence.
Make a hair mask for your hair using either olive oil or an egg or olive oil mixed with honey- sounds gross but it will loeave your hair so shiny. Afterwards wash it with shampoo and conditioner.
Eat lots of fresh fruit and veg, beauty starts from within!
Get into your dressing gown have a nice bth with relaxing oils and candles. Use your fave creams, perfume…etc. Exfoliate to leave your skin soft and smooth. If you have no exfoliator creams or glooves use sugar and butter rub it into your skin and have a bath afterwards to wash it off. Pamper yourself and you’ll feel great.
Apply stunning makeup and your ready to go!
Hi I wouldnt go and do all that for a guy, yes I would make myself up wash hair etc but I wouldnt go as far as having facials etc he is a guy and probably wont even notice or if he does he wont say anything, being yourself is the key doing a detox in 3 days wont work lol,you should of been doing it a week ago, as if you go and get loads of facial masks, etc you might end up with a rash or breaking out in spots before you go and meet see him and that wont be good, even when detoxing your body releases all sorts out of the pores in your skin and that doesnt look good either. and even using too many products your skin is not used to can become a probelm in a short period of days
Paint your nails, maybe invest in some new make up or facial highlighter to give you a dewy fresh glow and then you will be good to go and drink plently of water to assist in you lovely complexion and maybe apply a but of moisturising lotion you your body with a hint of self tan other the next couple of day, but do not use fake tan at all big no no stick to gradual moisturisers.