Question by have faith: I want to train part time as a beauty therapist in Kent?
Ive completed a beuaty therapist course, but it was an intensive one and is merely a diploma, covering waxing, manicaure, pedicure, eyelash tint, make – up and facials, since doing the course I have been doing favours for friends and am really enjoying it.
I want to get a regconised qualification in beauty therapy so I can start to build up a home/obile business. (I have a university diploma in managment studies, and NVQ in Business)
I work full time in business so need a flexible leaning route. Ive tried learn direct – they only have individual models but dont seem to be at a NVQ level 3.
Any ideas how I can get a flexi study (home, evenings or weekends) package for NVQ level 3 and also could I do level three based on previous studying or would I have to do level 2?
Im looking in the Kent area
Best answers:
Answer by ♥ Blondie
hi there im starting a course soon at college to do beauty therepy nvq level 2 at my local college.
You cant start with nvq level 3 unless you’ve done nvq level 2, but you dont have to do nvq level 1 because thats just an introduction course.
i dont know about your area, but at my college they do part time and full time courses, for all ages and levels.
its great that you have all the qualifications in business and i wish i did, because it will be really helpfull for you when you start your own business.
i’ve also found this but it is very expensive> http://www.icslearn.co.uk/health-social-care-courses/health-wellbeing/aset-beauty-therapy/
which is an at home course with an exam which results in an ASET Level 1 Certificate in Beauty Therapy.
hope this helps.
Answer by rachelobrien2000
i am a beauty therapist…. when i was studying i did a full time course which was only 2 days per week!! maybe this would be a better option as it is more in depth!! also your diploma will be a well regognised qualification. if the college course isn’t for you maybe get a part time job at a salon a your part qaulified already and they can train you up from there onwards!!! good luck………..
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