Question by Morganville: Im going to a spa …but have something embarrasing …?
Im 13 and in school i have joined this fashion club running after school.
As a school trip we will be taken to The London College of fashion – SOON, i will not be give a date –
Any way we were given options of 2 treatments out of 3 – make up , manicure and pedicure.
I chose manicure and pedicure – but i had a varucca on my foot – i got it removed but it is still kinda there —- IT IS KINDA EMBARRASING — and it is wayyy to late to cuz it is too soonand the treatment takes long because it swells with a bubble of blood …..what do i do ?
please do not tell me to change the treatment because it is too late and i dont like makeup
my hand nails are also quite short and thin :/
Best answers:
Answer by deannamarieex3
Trust me, the people that work with hands and feet have seen it all! There is no need to be embarrassed, it may even help the healing process by keeping it moisturized. I’m not a doctor, but I do go out and get my hands/feet done regularly. I will also let you in on a little secret, when I get my nails done, I’m also super embarrassed, because I pick at my fingers when I’m nervous, so sometimes they look ridiculous. But trust me, after it is all done and over with, you won’t regret it. Plus, you can always tell the person working with you about your concerns and they should help you relax and tell you everything you need to know. Sometimes life is unfair and people do things that take us out of our comfort zone, but it happens and it will be over before you know it. Just focus on enjoying yourself!
Answer by Nic
Well if it is quite small you can use satatol £3 from amazon and it burns away the skin i have 3 verrucas and they are nearly gone just follow the instructions trust me
ps have a nice time anyways you lucky duck!
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