Question by stephanie F: inviting a boy to a girls sleepover party without him know it’s a all girls party lol?
invited this soooooo annoying boy to a party but wat he dos not know it’s a girls sleepover party. have we got a few surpiises for him lmao. if any girl has and gd ideas to do to this annoying guy plz leave a gd commet plz and thanks 😀
Best answers:
Answer by Urrfavvv<3
do like manicures and pedicures and if he ends up sleeping over put makeup on him lol
Answer by cutie
okay first of all y would ur parents allow that and seccond of all everyone is annoying to someone n u r annoying to me and i wouldnt do tat if i was u cause if hes has like medical problems and you do something that causes his medical promblems to appear like putting hot sauce up his nose u can go to jail or even get a law suit filed on u n tis rlly does happen a lot look it up on google if you dont believe me
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