Question by amsterdam: Pedicure – do they cut your toenails ? I always do my own before I go, but what’s the etiquette here ?
Is it rude to expect my toenails cut, or is it normally part of the pedicure ?
Best answers:
Answer by sxc siniorita
its part of the pedicure x
Answer by vix
It is part of the pedicure, but I have to say I do mine before I go – it makes me feel more comfortable. And really, that’s what it’s about.
Relax and enjoy 😀
Answer by helicopterjen
It is definately part of the pedicure and they do a much better job of cutting the nails even than you can do yourself. I am kind of self conscious of my feet too and always wondered what I should do before I go…thats until I saw some of the disgusting feet in that place. I no longer felt bad about not shaving my legs or cutting my toenails first….lol
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cutting your toenails is part of the pedicure and they are trained to do it properly as well. I find that mine look much better when they have cut them, i always cut them wonky, lol.