Question by aaleyah: pedicures. ive never had one.?
hi. i love my heels and have never worn any open toe kind of shoe. i want to buy some nice open toe sandals this summer. but the high heels have taken their toll on my feet. ive got corns on all my toes! ive never had a pedicure before. i was wondering, will having a pedicure remove the corns? and also how much does a pedicure cost? how often do you get one done? thnks for the answers. mainly want to make sure it will help with the corns!!
hehehe you guys seem disgusted. dont be. i dont have really ugly hairy feet or anything! they are just small tiny corns. basically bits of hard skin where the shoes have been rubbing on my toes.
Best answers:
Answer by HI
Answer by BrIDGetTe
um okay, well pedicures cost naywher from 20-40 bucks (depends) no unless you ask for a corn tretment it wont help your “corn issue” thatnks! good luck with your uhh………………corn
Answer by sailgirl1490
wow you’ve never had a pedicure. it depends on where you get your pedicure done. each place has a different price
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I don’t know if they will remove corns but pedicures are really fun and they are about 25-35$ . Depends where you get them done at.
Get something to prevent the corns. Dr SCholl’s has a lot of thingies to put there so you don’t get them.
If the corns are open sore, you shouldn’t get a pedicure because of all the people’s feet that were in the spa before yours. Some places don’t disenfect like they should. YOu have to be careful.
it might not remove corns the first time, but if you go enough it probably will. I would say go once a month. And here in No-where-ville,TX it costs on average $ 18-$ 20 dollars.
But my advise is:
the cost is only worth it if you find someone you like that does a good job! and don’t go to a cheap place because of possible infections!!!