Question by latanyababy1: Should I open a Beauty Salon Business? How often do you go to the beauty salon?
Im thinking about opening a beauty salon business that offers the following services.
*Individual eyelash extensions (they look so real and last for 6 weeks £45)
*Eyebrow shaping/ colouring
*UV Free Spray Tanning
*Nail Extensions
*Manicures and Pedicures
*Body Wraps
*Spray Tatoo
*Body Piercing
The question is though, I don’t know if ladies would be interested in coming to my salon.
If there was a beauty salon that offered services like these, close by, would you go?
And what treatments would you like to see/or have done?
And finally!!!
Should I open my beauty Salon?
Best answers:
Answer by Brummie Geeza
YES. I know its your decision, but i strongly support it. Theres so much focus on image nowadays and beauty and fashion etc is where the money is nowadays. Plus if you enjoy it its an added bonus. But go for it – you’ll be raking it in!! gd luck
Answer by candyfloss
Ive never been to one as I think its expensive.
Answer by suziebee
I would go! I love beauty salons. I would need to feel that the person/people trating me were qualified. They must also be smiley and chatty.
The prices have to be reasonable and the place has to be spotlessly clean.
I work at a hotel/leisure resort (5*) we have abeauty salon there that is beautiful and faultless.
thats the web address for it. It has a huge client base and deals in many things.
I especially like nail treatments and facials. False nails are cool and so is having your own done properly. Maybe offer make-up services too, like for brides or something!
I’d say go for it!
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What do you think? Answer below!

My beauty operator carries pierced ear rings and a few jewelry items that I LOVE, she will tell me of something she has that I should see, she knows me that well, also she carries a room for tanning and exercise equipment, I go about once a month and sometimes more, my husband goes to her also and all my kids and grandkids so we cannot get by with anything! lol You will do good
I would add some of the old favourites like eye-lash tinting and facials.
Do you have a certificate in massage as it’s great to be able to go to a salon for a massage and a treatment.
If I were to go to the salon I’d have an oxygenation facial, eye-lash tint, pedicure and wax – all 4 at the same visit and preferably with the same beauty therapist.
Re whether you should open the salon….have you looked into the competition in the area and what products you would like to promote? It’s a shame there aren’t more mobile salons that come to your home. As a pregnant woman I’d really appreciate someone coming to my house and giving the treatments at home.
Nope beauty salon far too expensive!!!!!
My hubby does lots of beauty treatments for me sooo ..lots of home remedies cheaper!!
Waldenbooks/Borders has a book specifically about opening your own salon. If you go to Amazon.com, they probably have it cheaper. I looked through it since my sister is a stylist and there was a lot of info in it. I don’t go to the salon since my sis is a stylist.