Image by Emily Lewis
Treated myself to a pedicure in hopes it would motivate me to get more writing done
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Question by Ellie: What are your favourite beauty treatments?
My favourite are massages like aromatherapy massages, not rough ones like swedish massage, I find them so relaxing and I sleep so well that night.. and I also love facials because my skin feels amazingly fresh and clean afterwards and is literally glowing for days. I don’t like manicures and pedicures because I do my nails myself and they look fine and I use L’Occitane footcream every night so they are baby-soft.
What are your favourites and why?
Best answers:
Answer by Peter D
A manicure because it’s a real pick-me-up
Answer by Batina Batflaps
Painting my toe nails cherry red so I can show them off in my sandals. The WOW factor.
Answer by Laura C
I always have facials & back massages with Dermalogica. They are are natural products and you feel amazing afterwards. I use all their products at home now and my skin just glows 😉
Girls always need to be pampered!!!!!
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I enjoy massages..aromatherapy n swedish ones. They just relax my tense muscles almost immediately 🙂 Facials are equally important…minus the extractions part if possible..really give my face a nice clean feeling too! Manicure n pedicure are secondary pampering options for me. But applying hand and foot lotion regularly is important in my opinion.
sex w/ my bf.
hot bath
all w/ low lights, aroma senses, and maaaaybe light pretty music. Prafferably piano.