Feet After Pedicure
Image by AlaskaTeacher
January 4, 2008
These are my feet after a soak, massage, scrub, and paraffin wax dip! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I loved my time at the spa. It was so relaxing. I live too far from a spa to enjoy it on a regular basis, but I’ve been thinking about how I can recreate the experience at home.
The key elements I need are: quiet, low light, candles, good smelling stuff, and quiet music. It’s easy to find quiet time at my house because I don’t have any children and my husband just got a new set of wireless headphones for his games and TV shows (kind of a selfish Christmas gift from me). 🙂 I have lots of yummy smelling stuff from Bath and Body Works. My mother-in-law likes to buy me candles, so that’s not a problem, and there’s lots of Josh Groban music on our Ipods. I have everything I need to have a relaxing experience at home! I just need to take the time to create one more often.
Question by Nas J: What’s the best way to get rid of chappy feet?
My girlfriend doesn’t like my feet(its a turn off because its chappy) how do make it soft
do i need to put soap & moisturizer on?
or will vaseline work
please help
Best answers:
Answer by andrew c
Answer by Squirrel
flexitol heel balm cream is AMAZING! i am a girl and i wear a lot of high heels, which make the heels of my feet really hard, but this makes a big difference. for maximum effect really slather it on before bedtime and then put some cotton socks on and go to sleep.
if you do that for even 1 night, i promise you’ll see a huge difference- here’s a link to where you can get a free sample
good luck!
Answer by black snow
but moisturizing lotion on, and then clean white socks before you go to bed at night, it will clear up in a few days.
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Make sure they are clean and use vaseline at night and wear socks to bed.
Find a great spa and have them pamper you. If the funds are low soak in warm water, before towel drying rub a balm onto skin and place plastic covering over them for 10 mins every other day.
Works wonders!
Aww, that is so sweet. Fixing up your feeties for your lady 🙂
It is OK for a guy to go for a pedicure, don’t be shy. Usually, where I am from, pedi’s include the whole works for your feet. Generally, they will soften up your feet with a hot footbath (as hot as your skin is able to handle without burning) and salts (no, not eating salt, more like epsom salts or those little crystals you can get at The Body Shop or any beauty-shop like that). They will massage your feet with those little scrubbers that feel like they’re gently sanding off the dryness from your feet. After about a half hour of fun (it’s so relaxing, you might fall asleep), then you get your feet dryed, your nails cut and shaped and you get lotioned up. Sooo nice!! A great treat for tired feet! 🙂
If you are too shy to go for a pedi, then go ahead and try your best at it at home. It’s not hard. Get a basin and fill it with the warmest water your feet can handle, and mix in some epsom salts (can get this at the grocery or the bulk barn). Soak your (clean!) feet and get a washcloth and gently rub and scrub off the dry edges on your heels and toes, etc. (For best results, you should do this every time you have a bath – soap up the rag and scrub those feet off gently, it’ll maintain the softness all the time instead of just a one-time fix). After you let the feet soak for a while (30 – 45 mins), dry off your feet, you can trim your nails to add a nice touch -don’t want to have soft feet and long, ugly toenails- and then you should lotion them up with something nice (try Olay Quench, it’s so smooth and has a lovely scent! or just any lotion that you might have: eg. Vaseline body lotion is always nice, too).
Remember to protect those feet by regularly wearing shoes outside and socks/slippers inside because when you walk around barefeet, it can harden the feet.
Good luck! Such a nice guy to your girlfriend 🙂