Question by rainbowchild: pedicures – what are your favourite products and do you have any really fabulous tips?
Best answers:
Answer by Holly J
The Jessica Zenspa range are my favourite products
Answer by DelaDela
I use E45 lotion on my feet to get rid of dry skin and make them really smooth…it works really well…
Instead of using a file, use an emery board to file your toenails as the emery boards are softer and nicer on your nails, but they still do a good job.
Also, pedicure kits are good that include everything eg. emery board, cuticle sticks, nail clippers etc, like these:
Answer by sarasometimes
I like OPI products that many spas and salons use. Best pedicure tip Go have one done at a nice spa or salon. They are like a good meal. Just because someone else did the work it tastes better. Well having someone else pamper your feet makes it all much better. Warning they can be addicting!!!Visit a few places or get recommendations. Generally you get what you pay for. Cheap price is usually a quick and simple service. Also when you stop by to check out the shop look for a clean place!!!
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Sally Hansen
I use a home (electronic) pedi/mani kit – You can get these anywhere. Mine is from Aldi and works very well.
Sometimes before i go to bed i smother my feet in vaseline and then put socks on, this makes my feet soft in the morning it works on hands aswell.