Home-Made fish foot spa fish pedicure!
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Dose anyone else who thinks that this is really cool?
You need doctor fish for that
Great way to get fungus infections and warts. Also Goldfish from Walmart are Full of parasites and you can get certain types of worms. As a Fish Store owner for 10 years, this a HORRIBLE idea. Your opening yourself up for a Lawsuit. I've reported you for a Dangerous Act.
Is that your she is so pretty love her
Fish be like…. them feet were tasssssty
"Are you Catch EEM all fishing?"
Loved the second half of this. Amazing content
Monarch butterflies bro
Bro you are India
Keep some and wait! Untill they grow
I got a fish pedicure in Krakow, Poland and I loved it. At first I was really scared but it was totally worth it because my feet were so soft. I wish it were legal in the US.
roses are red violets are blue i came for 6:00 and so did you
Vitorious Member all of them put fish on there legs at they were sick
I need one of those my toes are a dessert of dry skin. 😭😭😭😭😭
Fish feet disease if you don’t know where this came from you’re too young
This giving me victorious vibes (the episode where they got sick from that fish that made your feet really soft)
h E l L o!!!!
U called yourself a ho at 0:35
Hope you had fun!
Ahhh her lil sister has the same name as me Brandi 🤣
hose fish eating your feet look cool
Omg that one episode of victorious when they got the Zika disease
Did you all pay with American dollars or you had to get money over there
I did this in Aruba in a little pond it felt soooooo fucking weird that i couldnt help but laugh and smile