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Q&A: What can I do to prepare for a professional pedicure?


Question by dreamheroine: What can I do to prepare for a professional pedicure?
I would like to go and have a professional salon pedicure done, and this will be my first time. What should I do to prepare?

Best answer:

Answer by burberribunni
There really isn’t anything to prepare for. I would just wear a pair of flip flops so you can show off those pretty toes as soon as you leave!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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  1. Wash your feet….

  2. shave your legs cause ur gonna have to roll up your pants legs. Make sure your feet are clean and wear or bring flip flops(though they usually will give you a pair if you don’t have). Think of What color you wanna get on your toes(you can do this when your there). If you can’t decide, a french pedicure is always nice. Oh yeah and its always nice to tip.

  3. cut-it-out says:

    First, make sure the salon is reputable and CLEAN. Properly sanitizes all that your feet come in contact with.
    Know what you want as far as how short to cut, etc.
    Get a receipt.

  4. shanakf says:

    shave your legs, wear shorts they’ll handle the rest

  5. Nicole V says:

    Wear flip flops, make sure there’s no polish on your toes, and SHAVE! The first time I got a pedicure, a friend took me to the salon as a surpirse for my birthday, and since I had no idea what was going on, I hadn’t shaved in like a week. It was pretty embarrassing….so make sure your legs are smooth.

  6. preppy in pink says:

    wash ur feet and buy a set of pedicuretools and bring it because i have heard some people have foot funguses because the tools at the salon were not as washed as they should have been.

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