Question by ♥ mommy to Ameliá born 23Jul09 ♥: Quick tips while my bubbly tub is running please???
My boyfriends coming back off holiday (hes been away for a week) and want to know how to look my best for tommorow : Ive got ma botanics foam bubble bath in the tub and my hairs from darkest brown to purple, Ive got an eye thingy,a mudd mask and ice cubes (to make my spots not so red as it stops the blood or summit) what have I fogoton apart from that Im shaving also???
O and my hairs fine also as its long afro curly hair so dosnt need anything to it :0) x
O ive just picked to scabs on my face oops how 2 make them loook ok for 2morrow x
Best answers:
Answer by Big Bob Todd
Jus remember to put you sussies on……
Answer by Pedro-Peewee
Just put on your skimpiest Bra & Panties what more could he ask for.
Answer by RED
Lots of moisturiser after your bath for super soft skin, and maybe a manicure and pedicure after.
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Baby Oil and nothing else….smell good and let your natural beauty do the rest. I promise, he won’t notice any of your flaws while admiring your gifts…