“This is my best side”
Image by foshie
This one gives a good showing of all the colours in her fur – white under the chin and just on the very tips of her feet. Talking of which shes going to the vet on Monday for a pedicure – shes trashed my leather settee :O(
Question by Morgan: Should I paint my toenails, if so, how and what style/color (Boy)?
I am a boy and I like pretty feet and a nice set of painted toenails or a great pedicure.
Best answers:
Answer by Mr. Sonny
Bad idea.
Answer by BeautyIntrest
I would say go get a pedicure or get you nails buffed if your nails look healthy then a clear coat should be fine or that coat with a hint of pink cream that looks like a natural tone for nails.
Answer by kaylee
black blue or both cause thats what you may get at school
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LMFAO. wtf?
Not to be rude but NO. If your still in school ur gonna get picked on 24/7 ! And you wont look very attractive………