Question by bev k: should i wear tights with open toe shoes?
I am getting married on saturday for second time and will be wearing a cream suit(pencil skirt and jacket),i found shoes to match and they are open toe and i am wondering if i should wear open toe tights,i personally think it would not look right but then getting married in a lovely smart suit and bare legs would too,i am contemplating on just buying a pair of closed in shoes so as i can wear tights and not feel i look silly.Any suggestions please?
Best answers:
Answer by Airan-girjin
on everyday basic you’re not suppose to wear tights with open toe shoes. Rather you have to have nice pedicure.
But wearing them doesn’t look creepy or something )
So as for your occasion I would say wear white or cream coloured tights. I think it’s fine.
Answer by Jasmine Elise
i don’t think there’s anything wrong with tights and open-toes.. i draw the line at socks though.
Answer by Nadeen.A.A.
Awww Congratulations 1st !
you are having a very nice event, i don’t think thinking about tiny stuff should take your mind away of the other more important stuff u should take care of in such a great event in you life :-)… i advise you to wear the open toe tights because you will definitely look more elegant and don’t worry they will look fine as long as they are open, plus get a beautiful spa pedicure (french, creamy or marshmallow color .. etc), hope you enjoy every moment sweetie … best of luck sis.
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tight with trainer shoes
There is no fashion faux pas for wearing tights with open toe shoes but most women avoid the shadow toe or reinforced toe tights.
Congratulations on your wedding day! I’m sure that you will look lovely.