Okay, look at this as an example of how you don’t want your feet to look….Find out what the Vietnamese staff say about his feet: http://www.markfitzpatrick.tv. And be sure to watch The Bathroom…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Looking for Pedicure Tips and Advice? This is worth watching…

that’s good that you have an open mind cause i also wonder too.
😉 that’s a compliment huh?
Hahahaha this is so funny!
Ha ha ha that’s exactly what happen with those lady’s …. Lol
THANKS man. I always wonder what people are saying in different situations
when you don’t speak the same language.
AHHAHAHHAHHAHHAHAH dude thats classic
LOL!!!! This was hilarious!!!
I’d be curious to see your feet after the pedicure..I am sure we would not
recognize them. By the way: funny your video.
Thanks. I will have to do a post video shot of my feet. Still not a thing
of beauty. Unless you see them immediately after getting scrubbed, you
won’t be impressed. 😉
this video crack me up every time. How about a sequel? lol