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Fish Pedicure से हो सकती है गंभीर परेशानी, Fish Spa के दौरान जरूर रखें इन बातों का ध्यान | Boldsky

A fish pedicure, also known as a fish spa, involves patrons dipping their feet in a tub of water filled with small fish called Garra rufa. These fish are sometimes referred to as “doctor fish” because they eat away dead skin found on people's feet, but there are some cons of fish pedicure too so we have to keep some points in our mind before doing fish pedicure फिश पेडिक्योर एक ऐसी थेरेपी है जिसमें मछलियों से आपके पैरों संबंधी कई इलाज किए जाते है। इस पूरी थेरेपी मे आपके पैरों को मछलियों के एक … [Read more...]