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👣 Pedicure Tutorial Clients First Pedicure Ever Thick Toenails Callus Under Nail 👣

This video is about Pedicure Tutorial Clients First Salon Pedicure Ever Thick Big Toenail With Callus Under Nail It was my pleasure to give this client her first pedicure ever! Can you believe all these years and never treated to a pedicure. She has a big toenail that has gotten thick over the years from hitting the top of her shoe. This has caused a callus under the big toenail. She has seen a podiatrist and they have tested the nail for a fungus. She does not have a fungus in this toe. Watch … [Read more...]

salon pedicure – Madi getting her very first salon pedicure

Aunt Kimmy giving madi a pedicure for jayden's baptism. … [Read more...]