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Basic Lines Nails 2019 ๐Ÿ’„๐Ÿ˜ฑ The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation #225

Basic Lines Nails 2019 ๐Ÿ’„๐Ÿ˜ฑ The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation #225 Here are some of the most beautiful nails art designs you can try at home Fanpage: Video Rating: / 5 โ€ฆ [Read more...]

Pedicures Q&A: What is a good home remedy for fine lines around the eyes?

Question by spritelygirl13: What is a good home remedy for fine lines around the eyes? I'm starting to get some fine lines around my eyes and I dont want to spend loads of money on cosmetics. help! Best answers: Answer by ladyfromdrumTry Preparation H. The models use it although it is meant for use with piles! Honestly, it does work short term.Answer by nothappyA good hot iron, works on me shirts anyway!Answer by what?cucumber, anything fruity you put in your moisturiser and less soap โ€ฆ [Read more...]