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Women want their feet to be soft and shiny. Women do pedicures to keep their feet beautiful. Due to lack of time, many times the time is not available to go to the parlor. In such a way, you can do pedicure at home by these domestic methods.
महिलाओं की चाहत होती है कि उनके पैर कोमल और चमकदार रहें। अपने पैरों को सुंदर बनाए रखने के लिए महिलाएं पेडीक्योर करती हैं। समय की कमी के चलते कई बार पार्लर जाने का टाइम नहीं मिल पाता है। ऐसे में इन घरेलू तरीके से घर पर ही पेडीक्योर कर सकते हैं।
#Pedicure #PedicureAtHome #PedicureTips
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First pedicure I ever had was at a big, very nice, asian salon at the main mall here in my town. A week later, I had developed a severe staff infection in my right ankle and foot.
Lesson: A manicure/pedicure salon is a place that can infect you with a disease that can KILL you. Fortunately, I recognized what I had and got it taken care of EARLY.
My suggestion is that you go to Walgreens and buy a bottle of antisceptic/anti-microbial HIBICLENS. You want to clean your feet and hands with it, per manufacturer's instructions BEFORE going to get your pedicure…..and then use it again AFTER you get home from your getting your pedicure. My doctor's advice. You have to go get the pedicure. You can't do it yourself anymore.
But….you can take the proper precautions.