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This Woman Can't Stop Laughing While Getting a Fish Pedicure


This Woman Can't Stop Laughing While Getting a Fish Pedicure

Jacqueline Wehmeyer got roped into a doing a fish pedicure, in which you dip your feet into water filled with garra rufa fish that peel off dead skin. It was definitely a new experience and Jacqueline says she didn’t know what to expect. “They don’t bite at all,” she said. “I was just thinking piranhas, you know?” Her daughter got video of her hilarious reaction to the unusual spa treatment.’s Mara Montalbano ( has more.
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About Sue Mason

I love pedicures, so I've decided to share my knowledge and experience offering Home Pedicure information, tips, advice and tricks. Home pedicures are quick, easy and inexpensive and they leave your feet feeling fabulous, your toes looking terrific and you feeling relaxed and refreshed. Try a home pedicure today...

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  1. Linda Fowler says:

    No way

  2. Victorious Fans?

  3. Alexia Bravo says:

    I got one before my laugh was really worst than that it tickles so much 😂

  4. This was literally me yesterday doing fish pedicure😂😂😂

  5. Sprinklefan fan says:

    Remember this from Victorious

  6. Sailbadthesinner666 says:


  7. Fiona Animates says:

    Lol I thought she was gonna bring her fish in for a pedicure

  8. Kumari Priya says:

    It looks that she's weeping.

  9. Angelica Schuyler says:

    Lol I’ve did that many times 😜🤣

  10. Flowerlerya says:

    They might tickle u this make me laugh!!

  11. Ahhhhh bless her

  12. I thought she was getting eaten alive

  13. Jose Pallares says:

    That looks like your dying ;-;

  14. BootleggedBoba A says:

    Hahahahahahahah. Hahahahahahahah hahahahahahahah hahahahahahahah ahah hahahahah

  15. She is crying

  16. Didn't Trina from Victorious get sick from doing these fish peticures

  17. Travis Cottrell says:

    It reminds me of that one episode of Victorious 😂

  18. Trina.

  19. Superior Beacon says:

    That sounds


  20. amber marchand says:

    That's hilarious

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