Question by ketkonen: What do you think of older ladies who dress sexy ?
My girlfriend is Asian and 53 years old. She is still a size 8 and in great shape, with wonderful legs. I am really proud of her. When we go out she likes to wear short skirts and high high heels. I think she looks great, and a lot of guys seem to as well. Their wives however to give her a lot of dirty disapproving looks. Why don’t these women make more effort with their own appearance instead of being hostile to someone who looks attractive ?
Heck, aren’t the British judgmental !! Especially the women, like it is when we’re out. Believe me there’s a lot of middle aged who wish their wives made a bit of an effort to be mutton !!
Best answers:
Answer by Ellie
mutton dressed as lamb. when I get that age I won’t dress like that, even if I had a good body. I just think you can look really nice in clothes more for your age group and sophisticated.
Answer by BeautifulDisaster
I think you can dress sexy according to your age.
Wearing clothes meant for a teenage or somebody in their 20’s just wouldn’t look right on grandma.
I seen an eldery lady wearing a short skirt, heels, a revealing top and bleach blonde hair.
It was like a playboy bunny for Hef’s age!
Just dress accordingly. Victoria’s Secret has clothes for women in their 30’s+ that would look alright.
Answer by Rachel
They might just think she is mutton dressed as lamb. Who wears really short skirts other than sl ags or women who are paid for sex. You can dress nice and attract attention without dressing like a tart.
Well OK yeah, some women dress like ho’s for attention, because they have nothing else going for them and they are ugly. ha.
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Even with wonderful legs I wouldn’t wear short skirts at 53 I would go for something more sophisticated and sexy.
Probably because they’re jealous – the majority of older women let themselves go abit as they settle into life. It’s great that your girlfriend makes an effort!
I think women who dress 20-30 years younger than they are look desperate. It is so much easier to put down someone who is attractive than to make an effort to be attractive.
what question do u want ans only one per person .as long as she shows some class that is good enough for me