Question by Jana: what is the basic pedicure routine?
i missed a few classes, when our teacher demonstrated a basic pedicure… can someone help me pleeeease ! thank you lots.
Best answers:
Answer by Alix
1. Soak your feet in warm water and then dry them with a warm towel
2. Put a base coat of a pink shine on your toe nails and let them dry
3. Paint a fine white line in the tip of your nail, If you are not too steady with a brush, not to worry, you can get nail stencils that you put on your nail, and they make a space for you to paint the white tip in
4. Finally finish the nails with a layer of shine!
Hey presto, You now have lovely nails!
Answer by Laura
When i did beauty therapy at college, it was like this:
Soak feet in water with sterilizing liquid
Sit opposite client, take out one foot at a time and dry foot.
Clip and file nails
Push back cuticle and clip away
Put foot back into the water and repeat on other foot.
Apply exfoliating scrub to any dry areas and use a rasp to remove dry/hard skin.
Put foot back into water and repeat on other foot.
Take water away and dry clients feet.
Ask client to sit on the bed, thrn start to perform foot & leg massage. (you should have your techniques to follow)
Fetch paraffin wax in bowl and apply paraffin wax to feet with a brush, cover in plastic bags and put on heated booties, leave for 10 minutes.
Remove all paraffin wax and squeak toenails with nail varnish remover.
Base coat, colour/french, top coat.
Obviously you will perform consultation with the client before the treatment, ask about preferences for the pedi and make sure your hands are clean and all equipment needed is available to you. Hope this helps.
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