Question by : What shampoo do you use?:)?
what one do u recomend for people who have dull hair:/?
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Answer by Matchbox
Aussie shampoo
Answer by user1
its amazinggggggg (:
Answer by ////
My hair dresser recommended Loreal because it’s the least diluted hair shampoo.
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I use Maine and Tail.
originally a horse shampoo that has been adopted into the homo-sapian culture for people saw the amazing effects it had on their horses and wanted the same for their hair.
(try a silk and smooth leave in conditioner for dull hair =])
highly recommend pantene.. love the smell of it too.. and the conditioner.
I Use wash and go but recently im startiting to use head and shoulders
You should look for shampoo which says for dull hair or mabye you should use a smooth and silky conditinor
Hope i helped 🙂
toni & guy, its really good and helps your hair if it gets greasy easily.
head and shoulder shampoo XD. i probably sound retarted for saying i use that lol. but i like the one that’s smooth and silky. (it comes in different ones like there’s classic clean, ocean lift, hair endurence, ect.)
I like Alberto Balsam – it is inexpensive and makes my hair really shiny and full of life 🙂
TRESemmé! It’s the best in my opinion. TRESemmé has many different kinds of shampoos that you can choose from that will really help your hair!(:
I use The body shop shampoo ” ice blue ” , ive spent so much over the years, trying thenew shampoos out ans this is the best ive found and ive been using it for over ayear now and i will not change. its great for kids aswell , softens hair and makes it really nice and healthy shiny
I mix and match tbh, i don’t stick to one shampoo
ive also heard that aussie shampoo is fabulous.
If your hair is dull and lifeless then maybe try treseme salon silk.
Im using that atm, and my hairdresser says it’s not the best to use, but I have no complaints about it.
Its cheap aswell, well about £2 – £3 for a big bottle.
It also makes your hair so silky and shiney
Good luck and hope this helps (: (:
if price is not a issue then use bio-silk shampoo and conditioner along with the bio-silk therapy. if price is an issue try sun-silk or ausie get the ones that areformulatedd for dull hair. hope that helps 🙂 have a blessed day!