Question by I Love Gerbils!: What should I wear to a sleepover?
Well first I’m going to a friend’s house and need something to wear.
Then I’m going to a different friend’s house for a sleepover with her bf her sis and me. I need something to wear for that too XD a stupid question I guess but I don’t know what is in fashion and so on. I lose track of everything when left alone too long at home xD
Also, what makeup do you think would be best? Like, eyeliner heavy, light, colour shadow etc
Best answers:
Answer by Nikki B
Light eyeliner, cute short sleep shorts or a night dress with slipper boots. Wear your hair straight down or in a cute ponytail. Have fun!
Answer by Callie L
just wear something comftorble that you have.they won’t really care.and i would go light on the make-up =]
Answer by Izzy121
Light eyeliner. Neutral shadow. And add mascara!
For the sleepovers, just wear pj’s. make sure they match. Some cute bottoms (shorts or long, whatever) and then a plain shirt, loose or tight. Whatever is more comfy!
I’m pretty sure your friends are worrying about this too, so it isn’t a dumb question!
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well its summer in the US. so i would just wear shorts and a tank top or just a regular shirt. just wear what you normally wear. have fun 🙂
Friends house:
Skinny jeans
Gladiator sandals
Tank top
Wavy hair
Light make up.
Cotton capri sleeping pants
Cotton t shirt (matching or a set)
Cute slippers
Pedicure on your toes
Don’t wear make up to sleep
Put your hair up in a messy bun