Question by RRU: What’s the differences between a spa and a salon?
Best answers:
Answer by Mz. James
a spa contributes to your whole body. rejuvanting and relaxing. while a salon generally does three things mani, pedi, and hair
Answer by gym
a salon does your hair or nails a spa gives you a jacuzzi, etc
Answer by Quack3rz
a spa is when they do facials, massages, sometimes manicure pedicure… a salon is all about hairrr
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Spa = more WHOLE body treatments and massages – aimed purely on relaxation and skin health. Normally go for an entire day or a weekend.
Salon = hair or beauty, normally focusses on one part of the body at a time eg. hair, nails or back massage. Less relaxing overall – many women just “pop” to a salon in a lunchbreak!
Spa is more about like walking about for a day, getting pampered. Whereas a salon is like, you make an appointment and get made up 🙂