Pedicure Socks
Image by goblinbox_(queen_of_ad_hoc_bento)
…pattern is here. Project details are on Ravelry.
Question by Princess S: When you go for a pedicure..?
do they remove the nail polish on your toes or should you remove it before you go
Best answers:
Answer by stephyrose87
they will
Answer by socialwork2010
They will remove it for you, but if you feel more comfortable doing it yourself, go for it!
Answer by floridaman39us
They will remove it. I wish they could remove the fungus under my toenails too. Dangit. I have yellow nails due to fungal infection.
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it doesnt matter they will remove it for you if you want to leave it.
They will remove it. To save time if you have some nail polish remover at home you can do it yourself. It’s an extra step that don’t have to do.
they do they should its what youre paying them for
Answer for Floridama
Go to your GP and get a prescription for anti fungus varnish
( Lamisil) and follow the instructions It is a slow process, I have been on it for over a year, but IT WORKS!!!!!
Best of luck
yes they do