Question by cosmososos: Will these things make me more of a girl?
I have been shopping and I tried to find things that would make me more girly!!
As I have saved my pocket money up I decided to have a big shop!
I’m trying to be less of a tomboy and more of a girl!
I bought:
John Frieda Luminous Colour Glaze
Biore Pore Strips
Some fruity and cleansing face packs
L’Oreal Sublime Bronze
OPI Base Coat, Top Coat and 2 pink colours
Curious By Britney Spears
Blusher, concealer and face powder
Can I become girly with these things?
I want to make an effort and look pretty!
What else would I need to buy?
I am going to straighten my hair, wear make up, paint my nails and get tanned!
I am quite girly on the inside but I just don’t really make an effort with how I look.
I guess I was always shy to change in case people teased me! But now I don’t mind if they do!
I want to like how I look!
Best answers:
Answer by Shay
those will add to it. but girliness is really in the attitude and personality
Answer by wierd girl
well you have to get girly clothes too! try softer colors and skinny jeans π and possibly small heels or cute sandals, since its getting warmer π
Answer by snshnbtrflis
sounds good, but what are you wearing with all that make up? You need cutey girl clothes and shoes to go with it.
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Sweetie don’t change yourself.. unless YOU want to be more girly.. but yes.. I guess that will make you more girly lol! π
P.s. I LOVE PINK NAILPOLISH!! yayyyyyyyyyy
Did you buy new clothes?
like skirts or dresses & cute tops
you sound like a pro
it all sounds great! u shld try a good lengthenin mascara that always makes me feel instanly more girly, another thing is make sure ur always freshly showered n smell good. girls always need to be clean and fresh scentedd
Yes, You need to make sure to wear skirts and dresses, tanks etc!
yesyou got it now work it girl!!
but ew not curious try juicy couture ya anything juicy.
well if u want to be more girly u must act like it 2 all those things will help but u will hav 2 play the part 2 be more girly.
not bad!
Sweetie everyone is different…. i hope your changing because you want to not because of anyone else….
What you mensioned sounds good…. Don’t try to go overr-the-top girlie…..alot of boys hate that xx
you don’t need to do all this stuff to became a girlie girl.
you should do what’s most comfortable 4 u
Try going to the store and getting more girly clothes. I look like a tomboy because the way i dress, i dont like fitted clothes. But i do my hair and makeup allnice. But the best thing to do is go out and buy yourself some pretty clothes :]
yes, you may look more girly but you may still be a tomboy
you would have to change your personality if you want to be more girly, but these things may help you be more girly.
looking pretty aint everything, and don’t let anyone tell you your ugly.
Using make up is not the standard of femininity.
That’s all.
Please don’t try to buy your way into girlyness.
It’s about who you are, not what you wear.
i applaud you for having the courage to change!
i think you did a good job picking everything out
you could buy some girly clothes at forever 21
best of luck to you!
fake tan though please, no premature aging, which is what will happen if in the sun too long.
these things might help you look girly, but not become girly.
be yourself, and relax, nobody wants a fake for a friend
Go to Hot Topic and find some cool clothes very short dresses and high heels. That will make you feel more girly.
Ahh, how man-ish are you???
just making a effort to look better with do you a world of good!!! You DONT need a ton of make up to be girly. Dress girly, and do your hair nice, a touch a of lip gloss and some shadow on your eyes, and BAM your a female!
good luck!
Well…All I have to say is you’re making a honest effort and yes thoes things are girly I have all that and be careful you don’t want to put on too much makup and you’ll be smokin for all guys!
Mmmmn? Did nature do that or did my eyes decieve me? Paint don’t make the house.
Yepp, you can, infact the main things you need is just mascara and lipgloss!
And bronzer if you wish.
I wouldn’t reccommend getting tanned, but use fake tan or a bronzer, im not a big fan of sunbeds.
You can look pretty and attractive without becoming girly. I was a tomboy, that’s why my boyfriend liked me. But if you want to be girly, go for it. But don’t wear too much pink. Blue, red, and yellow are good colors. And a soft but bright green. What color is your hair? If you’re planning on dying it, don’t. Your natural hair color is much better.
clothes ? do you own any skirts, tight jeans, shirts that show off your upper body??? if u dont khols has some major cute fashions
Those will help you be someone your not. Do what makes you feel better and be the kind of girl that YOU are. Live Free!
I suppose it would make you more girly, but dont overdo it with all that make-up !
Some nice girly clothes would be a good start !
heh ^^, firstly there is nothing wrong with being a tomboy just be who you are = ], but every girl is slightly girly whether they like i or not. = ]
if you really stil want to be girly, dont over do it, just put on some lip gloss,a nd wear a little pink = ]
yes they will !!!!!!!!!
No. Clothes and make up don’t make you more of a girl. They will just enhance your appearance but you are as much a girl as you will be no matter what.
The most convincing -and it’s FREE!- thing you can do to be viewed as feminine, is to cultivate that behavior from the inside. Watch (in public places, or TV) how women and girls move when walking, talking, sitting, and copy what you like (practice in private first).
How you ACT will be the real convincing point.
Best wishes, our girly girl!
Remember not to be overwhelmed if boys pay attention to you. Don’t do anything you don’t feel comfortable doing.
Well you dont have to buy lots of girly stuff just to become girly do it in stages like
first start to wear skirts and shots and strapy tops then,
paint your nails and wear a little make-up then,
go for every thing have your friends round for sleep overs and do the face mask things and paint each others nails and do each others make up and stuff
hope this helped