The 5 minute pedicure. Shot really badly! Just tips on how to give yourself a really quick pedicure if you’re rushing off to work or out on a hot date and you want your feet to look and feel gorgeous. Penelope
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Steps: 1. Remove nail polish 2. Shape/file toenails 3. Soak feet 4. Dry nails and push back cuticles with a towel 5. Use cuticle pusher to push back cuticles and remove dead nail 6. Clip large hangnails 7. Rinse feet and dry 8. Massage nails with a cuticle oil or cream 9. Scrub feet then rinse 10. Dry feet then paint nails with desired polish Recommended products: ~Non-Acetone nail polish remover ~Sally Hansen Cuticle Massage Cream ~Sally Hansen Pedicure in a Minute Foot Exfoliation Cream
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Thanx fer the tips!!
OMGOMGGOM!!! HTIS is soooooooooooo good!
you shouldn’t saw the file back and fourth on your natural nail go in one direction lift put it back then do it again! i am in week three and am being tested tomorrow on pedicures and our teacher taught us that so i was just passing on the knowledge 🙂 good job though!!
I love watching you work on your toes!
Veronica Mars D:
I’m size 16 lol. What am i gonna use to put my feet in?
ooooh, BIG, FLUFFY CARPET!!!!! 😀
I used to use Sally Hansen alot but not so much anymore..but she does make great products =)
Good tutorial. Thanks for sharing your tips!
why am i hard?
what about if your nails already turned yellowish…any tips to get rid of that?
thats a good idea with the q tip as a cutical pusher, i never would of thot of tht:)
ur feet are pretty
why do you need her feet size? thats kinda wierd no affence.
great vid thanks !
can i ask you something?You said it’s a harsh chemical aceton in it,but i bought some monts ago a new polish remover without aceton to try it,and it was sooo much harmul to our nails,now we bought ACETON from a drugstore to try it too and i’ve been using it about some weeks,till now is good enough,it doesn’t “melt” the nail polish so well like the harmful one but i think its better,but why the aceton-free one was harmful and the one from the drugstore(Pharmacy) which is pure acton it is may not?
Very good I subscribed!
Good job!
Your feet size? Please.
Ciao bella :)
Great video. You explain things very clearly and detailed. Keep the videos coming.