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Fish Pedicures Can Cause Toe Fungus


Be extremely careful when deciding to get a fish pedicure. Fish pedicures can clean your feet however they can also infect your toenails with the fungi that cause toenail fungus. The problem with fish pedicures is that the fish cannot be sanitized. And because of this, the water where you soak your feet and have the pedicure performed can be laden with bacteria, germs, and fungi.
It normally takes a while for disinfectants to kill the fungi that can cause toenail fungus. Fish cannot live in properly disinfected waters so you are taking a risk each time you have a fish pedicure. Unless the water is drained after each one and the tub is disinfected, and repeatedly rinsed, fungi can thrive and infect your toenails at the same time you think your feet are getting a healthy cleaning.
If you do end up with toenail fungus, it is very hard to get rid of. Make sure before your next fish pedicure that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the tank and water are absolutely clean. A quick spray of sanitizer does not suffice.
Garra rufa fish are very good at picking skin and cleaning your feet and toes. But do not ever share a session with another individual that may have toe fungus. If you cannot determine the sanitation method used to clean the tub where your feet will undergo the fish pedicure, it is best to not have one.

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About Sue Mason

I love pedicures, so I've decided to share my knowledge and experience offering Home Pedicure information, tips, advice and tricks. Home pedicures are quick, easy and inexpensive and they leave your feet feeling fabulous, your toes looking terrific and you feeling relaxed and refreshed. Try a home pedicure today...

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