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Have booked a pedicure but some of my Toe nails are quite short, can i still have a french polish. If not any?


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Image by deshanta
I was invited to partake in a free treatment at the new beauty salon, Wax in the City. It is conveniently located in Sandton City and is a members only facility.

Question by bambi: Have booked a pedicure but some of my Toe nails are quite short, can i still have a french polish. If not any?
pretty suggestions . Thanks

Best answers:

Answer by JustaThought
yea, u can still get a french, but u can also asked them for extensions! they can put a fake nail on the short nails of ur toes and add acreylic

Answer by Alicia
You can still can but make sure they don’t do the line too thick or it’ll look funny

Answer by natalie
ask for tips. Your nails won’t look good if you do it right on your short nail i’ve tried it b4

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  1. A french polish will look very nice on your toes! I’ve had it done before. You DON’T NEED LONG NAILS in order to have it done. If the salon knows what they are doing, they can make it work by painting a thin white line across the top edge of your nail! I’ve done it this way & no one knows the difference!

    Since summer is approaching, try to liven it up a little! Get a color that’s close to a Salmon or Melon color (not the green melon, the pinkish/orange one) You will love it!!!!

  2. Of course you can. The pedicure peeps are professionals and will be able to polish your toenails exactly as you ask. The white part will just be further back than usual. 🙂 enjoy lol.

  3. yes but they will have to push your cuticles down
    have a good pedicure!

  4. CottonBalls says:

    Yes you can. Just be sure to have them do a thin line if they’re that short. Otherwise, it’ll look like your toe-nail beds are really tiny and you grew your toe nails out!

  5. miss fashion says:

    yeah ,check get some fake tip toe nails

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