Question by Bumumble: whats the best way to get rid of hard skin on on bottom of feet?
dont no men say say that sand paper, or that machine thing that you use to sand down wood,
its not that funny
Best answers:
Answer by Emma-Lou
rub with a pumice stone when your in the bath or shower.
Answer by LBUK
You can buy special foot files from chemists or places like Boots and Superdrug. Combine this with a really thick moisturiser to put on at night and regular foot soaks (try putting some almond oil in with the hot water)…..
Answer by sonfai81
Hard skin on the bottom of the foot is a good thing, it serves a purpose
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pumice stone from the chemist or boots
one good way to take care of dry cracked feet bottoms is to put lots of vaseline on the bottom and put a bag over your feet and sleep like that and the next morning they will be better so that should also soften the foot bottom
Soak your feet in warm water and rub the skin off. It will feel like dried glue or paper machee and after a good soak will just come off. Then once dry rub in some moisturiser. Moisturise frequently and scrub every time your in the bath or soak once a week if your a shower person. You’ll have nice feet in no time.
well put vaseline on your feet after your shower every night and cover your feet with cotton socks when you go to be you will see a difference after doing it everyday for a week, but it has to become a way of life like put it in your everyday habits after you bath or shower b/4 bed
wash your feet with warm soapy water then get a loofah to scrub it.scrub it for about five minutes and rinse.after that dry your feet.put some lotion and wear socks.do it for a week at the night time and you will see results
soak your feet for a while in warm water with bubble bath or shower gel until nice and soft and then rub over with a hard skin remover, you can buy them from asda or wilkinsons, its a little like a cheese grater, lollipop shaped with a handle and has two sides one rought and one smoother, it really does work but be patient and do it slowly over a period of time, you will notice an improvement straight away though
After a shower or bath (your feet must be wet) use a pumice stone, it works fairly well. They DO make these special type of razors so that skin can be scraped off…but I don’t recommend that because it only makes it worse. But I did find this one product that you can apply onto your feet that really works…Kerasal. But you HAVE to apply it morning and night. Good luck
go to THAILAND they do an amazing foot scrub.
I went there two years ago and i still have the effect from it.
there are a lot of foot care products in the store for your problem.. dont sand paper your feet. you might hurt the soft skin under that.
You can buy pumice stone files made for the feet at just about any store than carries beauty products for hair, nails, etc. But I like to sit on my front porch and rub my feet and heels on the concrete for a few minutes before I get in the shower. It works a lot better and faster. If I do it once a week or so, it keeps the skin from ever getting too thick and hard in the first place. Also, I moisturize with this greasy foot balm I get at Sally Beauty Supply after every shower, but Vaseline works just as well.
First soak your feet for at least 15 minutes on warm water with some soap (best to use the liquid kind or just add a bit of your shower gel.) After the skin softens, use the pumice stone (available at all drug stores for about $ 2-$ 4) to buff the hard parts and for best results follow up with foot scrub. Dry your feet and apply thick foot cream. Freemans makes excellent foot products you can buy at most stores (Ulta sells them) and they cost about $ 4 each.
Go to body shop or a simular shop and buy a pumice stone and some moisturising cream, scrape it down for a little while before a bath, after you’ve washed put some cream on them.
take a long bath and then apply lotion
FLEXITOL buy from your chemist and use every day. It’s fab. You could also try using foot scrub.
Use a pumice in the bath/shower. And at night try this cream on and put on a pair socks over it.
First you should get a pedicure and then use barefoot srub in the showere and the use barefoot lotion when you get out. do it daily.
Try Arbonne Body Serum and Hydrating Lotion in combination with one another. Visit http://www.mishelmaree.myarbonne.com and go the the NutriMinC RE9 product line. You will be able to see a before and after photo of the product used on the feet for 2 weeks. It really works.
shave it! Honest!
You should go to a podologist once a month. It’s a bit expensive but after a while, with the right cream, your feet will heal and get soft again. Try to avoid wearing flat shoes all the time.
Aveeno daily moisterizing (colloidal oatmeal) does wonders on that type of problem
Try moisturising your feet befor u go to bed then put on a pair of cotton socks
During your shower use a pumice stone (found at any local drug store) and use on wet warm feet and rub the very hard areas.
You can soak your feet in a basin or tub and then apply a cream made just for feet.
I suggest using anything pure and natural and before bed soak them and add cream and a pair of socks.
Do not use vaseline, or any product with PETROleum
it’s actually very cheap and does more harm then good.
It hardens skin (so avoid baby oils and also mineral oils)
people think it helps, but over time it’s not helpful.
Don’t be afraid to splurge on a $ 20 + pedicure to get the party started (if you have no open sores on your feet.)
Hard, cracked and dry callused heels are common if you mostly wear open backed shoes. The skin on your feet has dried out. Once you get them soft again (read below) I suggest an occasional warm foot soak then using a heavy moisturizer and wearing socks for a few hours or to bed. I prefer the sandpaper style heel paddle abraders instead of pumice stones which don’t always leave your heels smooth. The sandpaper style has coarse and fine sides which are like big fingernail files and make your heels wonderfully smooth.
There are lotions that are formulated just for feet available with acids (think wrinkle creams) like lactic, alpha hydroxy and also include the penetrating moisturizer booster urea, some of the better brand names are Glytone, MD Forte, Cutemol.
If your heels are severely dry and cracked, you need to get them in shape and then use the lotions to keep them that way. To get them in shape you have a few options: 1. go to a podiatrist, 2. have a professional pedicure, or 3. try an at home treatment.
My at home treatment to soften things up is to use a good gel or cream style cuticle remover (yep, the kind you use on your fingernails) that you can buy at a beauty supply store. Here is what I use: 1. couple of old towels, 2. sandpaper style heel paddle, 3. cream style cuticle remover, 4. fingernail brush, 5. warm water soak (in tub or basin- add some fragrant oil if you’d like), 6. creamy moisturizer, 7. old socks.
Prepare the tub or a wash basin to soak your feet. Find a place to prop your feet up with a towel underneath. First: Give your heels a light sanding with the sanding paddle. Then slather your heels with the cuticle remover (wipe off your hands right away), follow the timing on the instructions on the label. After waiting the appropriate time, use the towel to wipe off your feet. Move to the tub or basin and soak your feet, while soaking using the brush on your heels. Soak for 5-10 minutes. Then lightly dry your feet and moisturize then put on the socks and relax for a couple hours or go to bed. You may need to do this a few days in a row to get really hard dry heels in shape.
Good luck!
take pedicure
I’ve had think callused feet for as long as I can remember….I’m a bare foot girl all year round.
I used to use files and clippers to tame them down…but now I just use Herbal Serenity Foot Creme.
You can start by applying the creme to your feet, slip them into a baggie, and then slip into a pair of comfy socks. Do this every night or after a shower, for at least 15 minutes. Take the bags off and put your socks back on.
I did that for a while and now I apply the creme after my showers…maybe once or twice a week. I don’t have any thick calluses now.
You can buy cracked heel cream from the chemist. Buy a pumice and scrub your feet after a relaxing soak, apply lots of the cream at night and massage your skin with baby oil during the day.
If your skin is still a problem visit a podiatrist.
If you leave near the beach, go for a walk on the sand!
good luck!
Steps to gettin smooth feet:
1. use a pummis stone to rub away at the hard skin
2.get a large basin of warm watera nd soak your feet
3.while feet are wet use a foot scrub on the hard skin
4. dry your feet and use a good footcream!
don’t expect immediate smoothness you may need to do this one a week for a couple of months to see the difference but you can use the pummis stone everyday!
i have the same problem as well!!!
you should dedicate time for your feet every week, use:
*a pumice stone
*a foot scrub
*foot moisteriser
*a bowl to soak your feet in
soon you will hav softer feet and soles 😀